Tactical Insertion with: (Claymore/C4, use reload key to toggle). Alternative Tactical Insertion (glowstick). Forward key to set your respawn point at your position. Jump key to toggle in and out of UFO mode. Activate/Use key to teleport to fourth location. Smoke grenade key to teleport to third location. Actionslot 4 (Default key '4') to teleport to second location. Actionslot 3 (Default key '3') to teleport to first location. Actionslot 2 (Default key '5') to Move bots. Teleport/Main Menu: (Now supports DLC maps) You can't open the menu while you're dead. You can't open the menu for 2 seconds after you have killed someone. Removed all challenge splashes (500 Intervention kills). Removed all splashes (1 shot 1 kill, first blood, longshot). Left/Right keys to swap menus (Yellow names indicate what menu you'll swap into). Forward/Back keys to navigate up and down in the menu. Name of the current menu you're in, in purple. Wherever a bot is placed is where they will respawn next. Unlimited lives (E.G Suicide shots in Search and Destroy).
Special grenades regenerate six seconds after being used.Equipment regenerates four seconds after being used.Ammo in your stock regenerates two seconds you reload.Actionslot 1 (Default key 'n') to Open/Close the menu 'Teleport/Main Menu'.Basically a copy-and-paste from another post.