Note: If you're using a Mac and are having trouble with the function keys, you may need to set your F keys to function as function keys. Here, you can select from keyboard maps for several DAWs select a map, and Studio One recognizes and applies common key commands from that DAW. ) The ability to save and recall window sets can be a real time-saver, especially if you’re used to the old Cubase menus and window organization use the Window Layouts and avoid hunting and pecking for VO-Shift-F. The whole interaction will look similar Application keys can be useful because they continue to work even when you change the master application key, and because the application key can be deleted to stop access using it without disrupting other users. For Steinberg VST instruments and many upgrades, the USB-eLicenser is not included and must be purchased separately, unless you already own one.
So I would start by checking the default location and seeing if the file is there but renamed or corrupted, then searching your hard drive(s) for a copy of 'Key Commands.